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17th c.

List of fugues and fugal compositions by composers lived in the XVII century


[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I, J] [K] [L] [M] [N, O] [P, Q] [R] [S] [T] [U, V] [W, X, Y] [Z]

Other pages of lists: 500 (XVI c. and before) | 600 (XVII c.) | 700 (XVIII c.) | 800 (XIX c.) | 900 (XX c.)

Note each composer is listed under the century in which lived the most.



Ahle, Hann Rudolf (Mülhausen 1625 - Mülhausen 1673) and Johann Georg (Mülhausen 1651 - Mülhausen 1706); Ger.


Agostini, Paolo (Vallerano, Viterbo c. 1583 – Roma 1629); It.

Spartitura del 2° libro delle Messe et Motetti a 4 v. con alcuni oblighi de Canoni (1627)


Andreu, Francisco (?); Sp.

Tientos [?] (from Antología de organisticas [...], 1905-08)

Versetti [?] (from Antología de organisticas [...], 1905-08)


Anglebert, Jean-Henri d (Paris 1628 - Paris 1691); Fr.

Fugues pour lorgue [5]

Fugues from the harpsichord works: Pièces de Clavecin; Suites [4]



››› Look for music (in MIDI) of these Authors here.


Antoni, Pietro degli (1648 - 1720); It.


Araujo, Pedro (XVII); Sp.

Tientos [2] for organ (from Livro de ombras de orgão juntas pello curiosidada [...], 1670)


Arauxo or Arauyo, Francisco Correa de (Siviglia 1575/77 - Segovia 1654); Sp.

Tientos [62 Ricercari] from Facultad for organ (pub. 1640-1653?)


Aresti, Giulio Cesare or Arresti (ca. 1620 - 1700); It.


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Johann Sebastian Bach's ancestors:

››› The others Bach in the 18th c. page.


Bach, Heinrich (Wehmar 1615 - Arnstadt 1692); Ger.

Fugal compositions from the Choral-Preludes [?] for organ


Bach, Johann Christoph (Arnstadt 1642 - Einsenach 1703); Ger.

Preludio e fuga in Mi bem. from 44 Choräle zum Praeludieren [...] (before 1700)

Fugal compositions from the organ works: Choral-Preludes [44]; 44 Choräle zum Praeludieren [...] (before 1700)


Bach, Johann Michael (Arnstadt 1648 - Gehren 1694); Ger.

Fugal compositions from the organ works: Choral-Preludes [8]; 72 Choralvorspiele


Battista, Giovanni (ca. 1660 - 1698); It.


Battiferri, Luigi (?); It.

Fuga a 4 parti [for choir?] (Mann 181)


Benevoli [Benevolo], Orazio (Roma 1605 – Roma 1672); It.

Magnificat [12] a 8, 12, 14, 24 v.


Benn, Johann (ca. 1590 - 1660); Sw.


Blow, John (Collingham 1648 - London 1708); En.


Böhm, Georg (Hohenkirchen 1661 - Lünenburg 1733); Ger.

Three Preludes and Fugues for organ [C major, a minor, d minor]

Preludio, fuga e postludio for organ


Boyvin, Jacques (Paris 1649 - Rouen 1706); Fr.

Livre dorgue contenant les huits tons a lusage de lEglise. Book I [1. Suite premier ton: 1a. Fond dorgue, 2b. Fugue grave] (pub. 1690)

Dialogue en fugue from Second livre dorgue (pub. 1700?)


Briegel, Wolfgang Car (1626 - 1712); Ger.

Fugues from Grobes Tabulaturbuch for organ


Bruhns, Nikolaus (Schwabstedt 1665 - Husun 1697); Ger.

Preludes [12 but only 4 known: 1. e minor, 2. e minor, 3. g minor, 4. G major?] for organ


Bruna, Pablo or Ciego di Daroga (Daroga 1611 - Daroga 1679); Sp.

Tientos for organ [22] for organ

Psalmodia or Versi for the Magnificat [?] for organ


Brunckhorst, Arnold Melchior (1670- 1720); Ger.


Buono, Giampietro del (Palermo XVII ?); It.

Sonata n. 5 [detta] Fuga cromatica on A, F sharp, F, E and other from Canoni oblighi et sonate in varie maniere sopra lAve Maris stella (pub. 1641)


Buttstett or Buttstedt, Johann Heinrich (Erfurt 1666 - Erfurt 1727); Ger.

Preludio e ricercare for organ from Musikalische Clavier-Kunst

Preludio e fuga for organ from Musikalische Clavier-Kunst


Buxtehude, Dietrich (Oldeslohe, Holstein 1637 - Lubecca 1707); Ger.

››› Dietrich Buxtehude, the own page here.


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Cabanilles [or Cabanillas], Juan (Algemesi 1644 - Valencia 1712); Sp.

Tientos for organ [70] for organ (pub. 1927-56)

Tientos for organ [1000?] for organ (not Published)

Toccatas [6] for organ (pub. 1927-56)

Tientos [2] (from Antología de organisticas [...], 1905-08)


Capponi, Abate Ranieri (? 16?? c. 1700); It.

Sonata da camera No. 12 in G major [1. Largo, 2. Allegro nobile, 3. Fugue, 4. Scherzo pastorale] (pub. 1744)


Carissimi, Giacomo (Marino 1605 - Roma 1674); It.

From Ricercari [10] e canzoni franzese [6], Libro primo (pub. 1619)

From Ricercari [8] e canzoni [8, on the same Ricercari], Libro secondo (pub. 1619)

Fugen un dergleichen den Music-Liebenden zum sechstenmal herausgegen (pub. posth. 1753)


Caurroy, Eastache du (Gerberoy 1549 - Paris 1609); Fr.


Cavalli, Pier Francesco (Crema 1602 - Venezia 1670); It.


Coberg, Johann Anton (1650 - 1710); Ger.

Fugue in d minor for organ from the Mylauer-Tabulturbuch


Coelho, Manuel Rodriguez (Elvas c. 1555 - Lisbona 1635); Sp.

23 Versetti four-five voices on the eight modes for organ (pub. 1620)

Ave Maris Stella and Versi [5] on Ave Maris Stella for organ (pub. 1620)

Versetti for Benedictus and for the Magnificat [34] for organ (pub. 1620)

Versetti for Kyrie [35] (seven tonalities:  C:B flat) for organ (pub. 1620)

Magnificat five voices for organ [Ricercare] (pub. 1959)


Coll, Antonio Martin y (ca.  1660 - 1740); Sp.

Imitations and Versos for organ (from the Mss. 1357-1360, Bibl. Nacional of Madrid, 1706-1709)


Concejçao, Fr. Diego da (XVII); Sp.

Versos [2] for organ (from Livro de ombras de orgão juntas pello curiosidada [...], 1670)


Corelli, Arcangelo (Fusignano di Romagna 1653 - Roma 1713); It.

Fuga vera con soggetto solo [from Il trionfo della pratica musicale, bibl. Cons. Firenze]


Costa, Joseph Leyte de (XVII); Sp.

Tiento for organ (from Livro de ombras de orgão juntas pello curiosidada [...], 1670)


Couperin, Louis (Chaumes-en-Brie 1626 - Paris 1661); Fr.

Fantasia in G major (1656)

Fugues [33] and other (not pub.)


Cousu, Antoine de (1600 - 1658); Fr.


Croci, Antonio (Modena XVII); It.


Cruz, Agostino da (End of XVII); Sp.

Tiento for organ (from Livro de ombras de orgão juntas pello curiosidada [...]1670)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Durón, Sebastián (? - 1716); Sp.

Tientos [3] for organ (?, from Orgue et Liturgie, No. 74)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Erbach, Christian (Algeshein-Palatinato 1573 - Augusta 1635); Ger.

Ricercari [35] for organ (various Ms, DTB, IV, 2)

Fugues [10] for organ (various Ms, DTB, IV, 2)

Canzoni [38] for organ (various Ms, DTB, IV, 2)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Fabricius, Werner (1633 - 1679); Ger.


Fasolo, Giovanni Battista (Asti XVII - Palermo?); It.

Fugues [4], Canzoni [8] and Ricercari [8] for organ (harpsichord) from Magnificat (pub. 1960?)


Flor, Christian (1627 - 1697); Ger.


Fontana, Fabrizio (? - Roma 1695); It.

Ricercari [12] for organ or harpsichord (pub. 1677)


Frescobaldi, Gerolamo or Girolamo (Ferrara 1583 - Roma 1643); It.

››› Gerolamo Frescobaldi, the own page here.


Froberger, Johann Jacob (Stuttgart 1616 - Hricourt 1667); Ger.

Ricercari [14]from Diverse ingegnosissime e rarissime Partite di Toccate, Canzone, Ricercari (pub. 1693)

Canzoni [6] from Diverse ingegnosissime e rarissime Partite di Toccate, Canzone, Ricercari (pub. 1693)


Fux, Johann Josef (Hinterfeld 1660 - Vienna 1741); Ger.

See also in the list of the Treatises, here.

Fugal compositions from Werke für Tasteninstrumente for harspichord (DTÖ, 85, 1947)

Fugue and Fugal compositions from Gradus ad Parnassum for harspichord


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Garthoff, David Friedrich (?); Ger.

Praeludium [Fugue] for organ from the Mylauer-Tabulturbuch


Gibbons, Christopher (London 1615 - London 1676); En.

Voluntaries [3] for organ (pub. 1967)


Gigault, Nicolas (Claye 1626 - Paris 1707); Fr.


Greco [Grecco or Grieco], Gaetano (Naples c. 1657 - c. Naples 1728); It.

Toccata e fuga for harpsichord


Grotte, Nicolas de la (ca. 1560 - c. 1600); Fr.


Guillet, Charles (? - 1654); Fr.


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Hanff, Johann Nikolaus (1630 - 1711); Ger.

Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott, choral for organ


Hasse, Peter (ca. 1585 -1640), Nicolaus (1617 - 1672), Peter (1659 - 1708); Ger.


Hassler, Jacob (Nurimberg 1561 - ? 1611); Ger.

Ricercari [6] for organ (various Ms, DTB, IV, 2?)

Canzone for organ (various Ms, DTB, IV, 2?)


Hassler, Leo Hans (Nurimberg 1564 - Frankfürt 1612); Ger.

Ricercari [24] for organ (various Ms, DTB, IV, 2)

Canzoni [29] for organ (various Ms, DTB, IV, 2)

Fugues [12] for organ (various Ms, DTB, IV, 2)

Fugal compositions for voices from Tabulatura (Woltz)


Heidorn, Peter (?); Ger.

Fugue on a theme by Reincken for organ (Berlin, StB. Mus. 40644, f.33)

Fugue for organ (MsNew-Haven E.B. 1688)

Toccata for organ (MsNew-Haven E.B. 1688)


Hoeven or Hofen, Carl van der (1589 - 1647); Ger.

Ricercari [4] for organ (Intavolatura di Torino VIII, 56-59)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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[I, J]

Jeune, Claude le (ca. 1530 - 1600); Fr.


Jimenez, Joseph (Saragozza 1601 - Saragozza 1672); Sp.

See Ximenes, Joseph in this page.


Joseph, Fr. Carlos de S. (XVII); Sp.

Tiento for organ (from Livro de ombras de orgão juntas pello curiosidada [...], 1670)


Jullien, Gilles (? c. 1651 - Chartres 1703); Fr.

From the Premier livre dOrgue: Suite sur la huitieme ton (8th tone) [1. Prelude a cinq parties, 2. Dialogue, 3. Cromone en taille, 4. Dessus de voix humaine, 5. Basse de trompette, 6. Prelude de premiere ton, 7. Fugue sur Ave Maris Stella, 8. Dessus de tierce ou de cornette]


Jüngere, Jacob der (Amburg 1586 - Amburg 1651); Ger.

Preambula [3] (Lünenburg ?)


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Kerckhoven, Abraham van den (1627 - 1702); Bel.

Fantasias [7], Fugue, Preludes and Fugues [2] for organ, from Monumenta Musicae Belgicae II (pub. 1933)


Kerll, Johann Kaspar (Vogtland 1627 - Münch 1693); Ger.

(Fugal compositions from) Toccatas [?] for organ or harpsichord (DTB, II, 2)

Canzoni [?] for organ or harpsichord (DTB, II, 2)

Toccatas [3] and Versetti [5] for organ or harpsichord (Monaco, Mus. Ms. 5368)


Kindermann, Johann Erasmus (Norimberg 1616 - Norimberg 1655); Ger.

Preambulum (Preludes and Fugues) [14] from Harmonia organica in Tabulaturam Germanicam composita for organ (pub. 1645)


Kittel, Johann Heinrich (1652 - 1682); Ger.


Klemme (or Klemm), Johann (Oderan, Zurkau c. 1593 - Dresda 1651); Ger.

Fugues from Partitura seu tabulatura italica exhibens triginta sex fugas, 2, 3, 4 vocibus (pub. 1631)


Kneller or Kniller or Knüller, Andrea (1649 - 1724); Ger.

Preludes and Fugue [3] (Mylauer Ms.)


Krieger, Johann (Nurimberg 1652 - Zittau 1735); Ger.

Fugues, Ricercari and Preludes from Sechs musicalische Partien (pub. 1697)

Fugues, Ricercari and Preludes from Anmuthige Clavier-Übung (pub. 1698)


Kuhnau, Johann (Geising/Erzgebirge 1660 - Leipzig 1722); Ger.

Preludes and Fugue [2] for organ


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Lebègue, Nicolas (Laon 1631 - Paris 1702); It.

Fugues (Fugal compositions) from the three organ Books


Lilius, Franciszek (ca. 1600 - 1657); Pol.


Llussa or Llissa, Francisco (XVII); Sp.

Versetti [3] for organ (pub. Anglés)


Locke, Matthew (Exeter 1630 - London 1677); En.

Fugues [4, very litlle] for organ, from Melothesia (pub. 1673)

Voluntary for organ, from Melothesia (pub. 1673)

Voluntary [Toccata in A] for organ, from Melothesia (pub. 1673)


Lohet, Simon (Liegi c. 1550 - Stuttgart 1611); Ger.

Fugas seguentes [...] [Ricercari] from the Nova Tabulatura (Woltz, 1617)


Löwe, Johann Jakob (Vienna 1629 - Lünenburg 1703); Ger.


Lübeck, Vincent (Breme 1654 - Amburg 1740); Ger.

Preludes and Fugues [6] for organ (ca. 1720, 1953)


Luyton, Charles (Anverse c. 1557 - Prage 1620); Ger.

Three Fantasias, Ricercare and Canzone for organ (Vienne, Minoritenkonvent, Cod. XVI, 714)

Two Ricercari for organ (Berlin, St.B Ms. 40316)

Fuga suavissima from the Nova Tabulatura (Woltz, 1617)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Marchitelli, Pietro c1643-1729 Italy,Villa Santa Maria - Naples

Fugues from the Sonatas a 4 per archi [14?] (1743)


Mareschall, Samuel (Tournai 1554 - Basel 1640); Ger.

Fuguettes for organ (Basel 1606)


Menalt, Gabriel (XVII); Sp.

Tiento for organ (pub. Anglés)


Merula, Tarquinio (Cremona c. 1590 - Cremona 1665); It.

Il Primo Libro delle canzoni a quattro voci per sonare con ogni sorta de strumenti musicali (pub. 1615)

Five Canzoni from Composizioni per organo e cembalo (pub. 1961)


Michael, Christian (ca. 1590 - Leipzig 1637); Ger.

Fugal compositions from Tabulatura darinnen etzliche Praeludia Toccaten und Curanten uff das Clavier Instrument gesetzt (pub. 1631)


Mielczewski, Marcin (? + 1651); Pol.


Mont, Henri du (Villers- lEvégue/Liegi 1610 - Parigi 1684); It.


Muffat, Georg (Mégève/Savoia 1653 - Passau 1704); Ger.

Fugal compositions from Apparatus musico-organisticus [...] (pub. 1690)


Murschhauser, Franz Xaver (Zabern 1663 - Münch 1758); Ger.

Fugal compositions [5] from Octitonium nuvum organicum (pub. 1696)

Fugues and Fugal compositions from Prototypon Longo-Breve organicum [...] (1703-07)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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[N, O]

Nassarre, Pablo Fr. (Aragono 1664 - After 1724?); Sp.

Tientos? [?] (from Antología de organisticas [...], 1905-08)


Nivers, Guillaume-Gabriel (Paris 1632 - Paris 1714); Fr.

Offerte en fugue et dialogue, Fugue grave... from the organistic Mass

Fugues (Fugal compositions) from the three organ Books


Noordt, Antony van (? - 1675); Hol.

Fantasias [6] from the Tabulatuur-Book van Psalmen en Fantasyen (pub. 1659)


Olague, Fr. Bartolomeu de (XVII); Sp.

Imitations from Libro de cyfra adonde se contem varios Jogos de Versos [...] (MsM. 1577)


Olague, Fr. Martinho Garcia de (XVII); Sp.

Imitations from Libro de cyfra adonde se contem varios Jogos de Versos [...] (MsM. 1577)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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[P, Q]

Pachelbel, Johann Christoph (Nuremberg 1653 - Nuremberg 1706); Ger.

››› Johann Pachelbel, the own page here.


Pachelbel, Wilhelm Hieronimus (Erfurt 1688 - Norimberg 1764); Ger.

Preludio e fuga for organ

Fantasia e fuga for organ


Pasquini, Bernardo (Mazza di Valdinievole 1637 - Roma 1710); It.

Ricercari for harpsichord (organ) (pub. posth.)

Ricercare con la fuga in più modi for harpsichord (organ) (pub. posth.)

Toccate [7] for harpsichord (organ) (pub. 1955)


Pękiel, Bartłomiej (? - Warsaw? 1670); Pol.


Perandreu, ? (XVII); Sp.

Versetti [4] for organ (in 5+5 or 4+4+2) on the Pange lingua


Pesenti, Martino (Venezia c. 1600 - Venezia 1647-48); It.

Ricercari a quattro [10], a cinque [5] e a sei [1] con 1-6 soggetti sonabili, Op.
3 (pub. 1669)


Pestel, Gottfried Ernst (1654 - 1732); Ger.

Preludes [17] for organ from the Mylauer-Tabulaturbuch


Pez, Johann Christoph (Munich 1664 - Stuttgart 1716); Ger.

Intrada in e to Abdolonymus Christianus [1. Grave, 2. Fugue] (1706)


Pistocchi, Antonio (Palermo 1659 - Bologna 1726); It.


Poglietti, Alessandro (Toscana ? - Vienna 1683); It./Au.

Fugal compositions from the Suite for harpsichord Il Rossignolo (pub. 1671)

Toccata for harpsichord (Ms. New Haven, Riedel A.S. 110)

Ricercari [12] for organ


››› Polish music: Christmas Carols & Psalm Melodies, here.

Outstanding page published on Kunst der Fuge / On Classical thank to the Completorium Polish Early Music.


Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco (Venezia? 1653 - 1722); It.


Praetorius, Hieronimus (Amburg 1560 - Amburg 1629); Ger.


Praetorius, Michael (Kreuzburg c. 1571 - Wolfenbüttel 1621); Ger.


Purcell, Daniel (London? 1660 - London? 1717); En.

Fugal compositions... from the Music for the organ and harpsichord (pub. 1718)


Purcell, Henry (London 1658 - London 1695); En.

Fugal compositions... from the Original Works for the Harpsichord (pub. 1908)

Voluntaries [Fugato?: C major, d minor, d minor, G major] for organ and/or double organ [the third in d minor]

Voluntary [Fugato?] in A major for organ for the Psalm 100

Voluntary [Fugato?] in C major for Cornet [organ]

Voluntary in d minor for organ


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Radex or Radek, Martin (ca. 1645 - c. 1725); Ger.

Fuga III toni for organ

Preambulum IX toni for organ


Raison, André (1640 - 1719); Fr.

Fugues (Fugal compositions) from the two organ (or harspichord) books


Raquet, Charles (1597 - 1664); It.

Fantaisie, Ricercare (pub. 1618?)


Reincken, Adam (Wildeshausen 1623 - Amburg 1722); Ger.

Fugue in G major for organ


Reutter, Georg (1656 - 1738); Ger.

Fugal compositions from the harpsichord pieces (DTÖ 27, 1906)


Richard, Etienne (ca. 1620 - 1669); Fr.

Two Preludes (in A major, in D major)

La fugue grave pour la trompette et le clairon (Bibl. S.te-Geneviève, Paris: Ms. 2348)


Richter, Ferdinand Tobias (1649 - 1711); Ger.

Preludes and Fugue before the Suites [3, D minor, D minor, F major] for organ (DTÖ 27, 1906)

Versetti fugati [10] for organ (DTÖ 27, 1906)


Roberday, François (1624 - 1680-95?); Fr.

Fugues et Caprices (pub. 1660)


Rocque, Fr. (XVII); Sp.

Tientos [?] for organ (from Livro de ombras de orgão juntas pello curiosidada [...], 1670)


Rogers, Benjamin (Windsor 1614 - Oxford 1698); En.

Fugue or Voluntary and Voluntary for organ


Rohaczewski, Andrzej (?); Pol.


Rossi, Michelangelo or Michel Angelo del Violino [MICAELANGELO] (Genova end of XVI - Rome 1656); It.

Toccate [10] e Corrente per organo, o cembalo (pub. before 1657)

Toccatas [4], from a Ms. in Bologna


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Salvatore, Giovanni (Benevento 1610 - Napoli 1688); It.

Ricercari [8, fugues] a 4 v. for organ or harpsichord (pub. 1641)

Canzoni francesi [4] for organ or harpsichord (pub. 1641)


Saxer, Georg Wilhelm Dietrich (?); Ger.

Preludes [3 in E major, F major and D major] for organ (Lipsia II, 2.51 Ms.)


Scarlatti, Alessandro (Palermo 1660 - Napoli 1725); It.

Toccatas [40] for harpsichord (pub. 1908, 1943...)

Fugues [3] for harpsichord (pub. 1908)

Quindici fughe a due for harpsichord (Conservatory of Napoli)

Sonate per organo del sig. Alessandro Scarlatti [?] for harpsichord [5] (pub. Coimbra Ms. 60)


Scherer, Sebastian Anton (1631 - 1712); Ger.


Scipione, Giovanni (Cremona ?); It.


Scheidemann, Heinrich (Wöhrden c. 1596 - Amburg 1663); Ger.

Preambula [13] for organ


Scheidt, Samuel (Halle 1587 - Halle 1654); Ger.

Fugues from Tabultura nova continens Variationes aliquot Psalmorum, Fantasiarum [...] for organ (pub. 1624)

Fugal compositions from Tabulaturbuch hunder geistlicher Lieder und Psalmen for organ (pub. 1624)


Sebastian, John (XVII); Sp.

Tientos de 2° tono for organ (Ms. Escoriale)


Sinxano, Gabriel (XVII); Sp.

Tientos de 8° tono for organ (Ms. Escoriale)


Sola, Andrés de (1634 - Saragozza? 1696)

Tientos for organ (?, from Orgue et Liturgie, No. 71)


Speth, Johann (1664 - 1719); Ger.

Toccatas from Ars magna consoni et dissoni (pub. 1693)

Versetti on Magnificat from Ars magna consoni et dissoni (pub. 1693)


Spiridion Bertoldo or Spiridion a Monte Carmeli (1615 - 1685); Ger.


Steenwick, Gisbert (? - 1679); Hol.

Fugal compositions from the Monumenta Musica Neerlandica (pub. 1959)

Canzona for organ (Leningrad Ms. 748)


Storace, Bernardo (XVII); It.

Ricercari, Canzoni, Toccatas... (pub. 1664?)


Stradella, Alessandro (Roma 1644 - Genova 1682); It.

Fantasias, Fugues, Ricercari from Miscellanea del signor Donato Cimino (Bibl. Conservatory of Napoli 34.5.28)

Toccata in A major (pub. 1918)


Steigleder, Adam (1561 - 1633); Ger.

Fugue for organ (from Woltz)


Steigleder, Johann Ulrich (1593 - 1635); Ger.

Fugues and Ricercari from Ricercar Tabulatura for organ (1624)

Fugues and Ricercari from Tabulaturbuch for organ (1627)


Strozzi, Gregorio (Napoli c. 1610 - Napoli c. 1690); It.

Ricercari from Capricci da sonare cembali et organi [Op. 4, 3 ricercari] (pub. 1687)


Strungk, Nicolaus Adam (Braunswig 1640 - Leipzig 1700); Ger.

Six Caprices and Ricercare for organ (DTÖ 27, 1906)


Szarzyński, Stanisław Sylwester (ca. 1700); Pol.


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Techelmann, Franz Mathias (Hof 1649 - Vienna 1714); Ger.

Canzone-Ricercare from the autograph of the 1685, music for organ (Vienne, Nat. Bibl. Cod. 19167)


Titelouze, Jean (Saint-Omer 1563 - Rouen 1633); Fr.

Hymnes de lÉglise pour toucher sur lorgue avec le fugues et recherches sur leur plain chant (1623)


Thierry, Alexandre (1647 - 1699); Fr.


Thomelin, Jacques-Denis (ca. 1640 - 1693); Fr.


Torrijos, Diego de (XVII); Sp.

Versetti [2] for organ on the Pange lingua


Tunder, Franz (Bannesdorf 1614 - Lubecca 1667); Ger.

Fugues [4]: 1.G minor, 2.F major, 3.G minor, 4.G minor for organ


[MIDI] of the above authors

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[U, V]


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[W, X, Y]

Wecker, Georg Kaspar (1632 - 1695); Ger.

Fugue in D major for organ


Weckmann, Matthias (Niederdola c. 1619 - Amburg 1674); Ger.

Fugal compositions [8] for organ


Weichlein, Romanus (Linz 1652 - Kleinfrauenheid 1706); Au.

Fugues and Fugal compositions from Encaenia Musices [12 Sonatas and Duets]


Werckmeister (Beneckenstein 1645 - Halberstadt 1706); Ger.

Praeludium ex G und fuge (Ms. Mylauer)


Wessnitzer, Wolfgang (XVII); Ger.


Witte, Christian Friedrich (1660 - 1716); Ger.

Fugue [3] from Mylauer-Tabulaturbuch

Prelude (and Fugue) from Mylauer-Tabulaturbuch


Xarava, Diego (1652 - c. 1714); Sp.

Ombra de lleno 1° tono [Tiento] for organ (pub. 1709)

Versetti (from Ramillete oloroso suabes flores de música para órgano [...])


Ximenes or Jimenez, Joseph (Saragozza 1601 - Saragozza 1672); Sp.

Versos [4] for organ (Ms. from Escoriale)

Tientos [8] for organ


[MIDI] of the above authors

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Zachow or Zachau, Friedrich Wilhelm (Leipzig 1663 - Halle 1712); Ger.

Fugues and Fugal compositions from the organ works: Choral-Preludes; Fugal compositions [8] for organ (pub. 1905)


[MIDI] of the above authors

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